EquipmentShare Nigeria Limited | Store

How may we be of help?

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Search for the item: Use the search input box to narrow down on your required item.
  2. Contact the seller: Contact the seller via the contact form or through their phone number posted on the site, WhatsApp chat/call or email to negotiate or set up inspection in a secured location.
  3. Pick up your item or request a delivery: After inspection and negotiation in a secured location, make payment after you have secured the item.
  4. Give feedback about the seller: Kindly share your experience with us, and also on the seller’s page.
  1. Sign in to your profile on Equipmentshare home page
  2. Click on the sell button
  3. Complete the information of the item to be sold carefully.
  4. Select a sales plan if you willing to list several items with possibilities of video content.
You can contact equipmentshare customer care using the most convenient medium. Live chat, email, or direct call
Payment for equipment should be made after satisfactory inspection of the equipment and terms and condition are agreed on
Caution, attention to detail and Knowledge — helps to protect you from being deceived. Below are few tips that can help to protect you from scammers:

  1. Check Feedback: It helps to ensure the person is reliable. People who had experiences with particular sellers leave reviews to keep others informed of how deals went
  2. Avoid sending payments before inspection: Meet with sellers physically in their office, store or most convenient space or request payment on delivery. Check out the item’s quality and make sure that it lives up your expectations before you make payment.
  3. Use common sense: Avoid anything that appears too good to be true, such as unrealistically low prices or promises of quick money.
Click on the particular equipment you would like to share, click the share button and select the social media platform you would like to share the equipment to.

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You have questions or feedback on platform or any equipment
Reach out to us via chat, phone or email